
​ emmm…这个页面呢, 主要是用来记录一些平时脑子里突然产生的一些想法或者说问题 (像什么上课走神的时候)

这些可能有简洁明了的答案, 但也有可能没有, 但我一定尽力去寻找并作一些分享吧

Part1 摩擦起电的一些思考

​ 物理很早以前就已经讲了摩擦起电了, 但是这个内容是在更深层次的化学知识学习之前讲的, 并且对具体原理并没有作要求。而我们在学习了更多化学知识后, 会发现有些内容是难以理解的



​ 课本原文似乎在最初学习时是可以理解的, 但学过一点点化学后就不禁会有疑问:

  1. 许多物质是由分子构成的, 这些分子的"对电子的束缚能力"又跟什么有关
  2. 许多物质化学构成中各原子是保持着相对稳定结构的,而摩擦起电的电子得失不会打破这种相对稳定结构引起物质的不稳定吗(而我们又知道摩擦起电被认为是物理变化)


Generic Electron-Cloud-Potential模型

这里需要查询一下万能的维基百科 摩擦电效应

Although the part ‘tribo-’ comes from the Greek for “rubbing”, τρίβω (τριβή: friction), the two materials only need to come into contact for electrons to be exchanged. After coming into contact, a chemical bond is formed between parts of the two surfaces, called adhesion, and charges move from one material to the other to equalize their electrochemical potential. This is what creates the net charge imbalance between the objects. When separated, some of the bonded atoms have a tendency to keep extra electrons, and some a tendency to give them away, though the imbalance will be partially destroyed by tunneling or electrical breakdown (usually corona discharge). In addition, some materials may exchange ions of differing mobility, or exchange charged fragments of larger molecules.

The triboelectric effect is related to friction only because they both involve adhesion. However, the effect is greatly enhanced by rubbing the materials together, as they touch and separate many times.[17]

For surfaces with differing geometry, rubbing may also lead to heating of protrusions, causing pyroelectric charge separation which may add to the existing contact electrification, or which may oppose the existing polarity. Surface nano-effects are not well understood, and the atomic force microscope has enabled rapid progress in this field of physics.


这里有一个解释一般的摩擦起电的模型被称为generic electron-cloud-potential模型

讲的就是,两种材料制成的物质只需要紧密接触(并不一定需要摩擦) , 电子即可发生交换

。在低于原子平衡距离接触后,两个表面的部分之间通过电子云的重叠形成化学键 (这里可以是共价键也可以是离子键)。





而且随着研究的深入, 问题的探究深度已经远远超出了我的预期

这里提供一篇大佬的相关论文 On the Electron-Transfer Mechanism in the ContactElectrification Effect

说了这么多, 对于一般的题目来说只需要记住结论就可以了,千万不要想太多🤣

Part2 未完待续